What To Expect From Your 15-min Audit:

  1. I’ll call you at the time we’re scheduled (not another zoom call where you have to look good don’t worry!)

  2. You can share what you’re looking to improve, whether it’s your morning routine, time management of your schedule, or start a side project

  3. I’ll give you a few ways to get started with making the improvements so you feel confident about taking action right away!

Here to be a coach, trusted advisor, or sounding board for any crazy idea that I promise isn’t that crazy!

why I do free calls

When I was 23 and starting to think about being more than my career, I wish I had someone to talk to about the ideas I had for healthy habits & side projects!

So I hope to be that person for someone else! No strings attached, just a sounding board!

I of course would love to continue to work with you through 1-on-1 coaching if that seems like the right fit for you, but if not, just glad we got to connect :)