3 Steps To Make Time Weekly For Your Crazy Idea

The crazy ideas you have likely aren’t crazy at all.

Whether it's….

  • Starting a podcast

  • Opening a wedding venue

  • Creating a website for your (potential) business 

I recommend this 3 step method to start taking weekly action on your idea!

Step 1) Start writing it down

When you think of an idea throughout the day, write it down or put it in your phone.

Whether you're sitting at your 9-5 work desk or walking the dog, jot the note down!

Start writing it down because…

  • You will forget later

  • It's a way to build on your ideas


This also allows you to get the idea out of your head and onto paper, making it feel…

  • More real

  • You feel less crazy (because you aren't crazy!)

  • Wanting to make more time to think about it… 

Step 2) Set designated writing time

If you want to start making time to think more about it, start journaling in the morning!

To make this easier:

  • Wake up 10 minutes earlier than you normally do

  • "Habit stack" or place journaling after something you already do (like brushing your teeth) 


Journaling is a key place to start, but don't get stuck in this step! 

Journaling is a safe space to understand ourselves, but the uncomfortable next step is likely what moves the needle forward…

Step 3) Start taking action

Since you already have designated time setup to journal, you can now "stack" taking action on it right after you journal.

Journal, then write the blog post.

Journal, then email that connection.

Journal, then start researching.

This allows you to brain dump and then take more organized action!


Doing this journal + take action method works for many people because it's…

  • Purposeful - gets you out of bed

  • Doesn't require perfection right away - gets the brain dump out, then organize


You're already waking up early.

You have the time set aside.

You have the momentum.

Now get after it!


If you want support in taking action in the morning…

Schedule a free 15 min call and we can talk through your not so crazy idea!