Are Morning Routines A Privilege?

There's 1 subject about morning routines I've steered away from talking about, but is an important conversation.

Are morning routines a privilege?

I'm talking the morning routine where you wakeup at 5am or after to journal, workout, or have a moment to yourself before you start work.

Is there privilege in…

  • Choosing what time you wakeup?

  • Choosing what you want to do in the morning?

  • A schedule, responsibilities, and a body that allows you to get enough sleep?

  • Working typical 9-5 or flexible hours?

  • Having financial or people support to watch over those you care for while you take time for yourself

My or your situation may make morning routines more accessible than someone else's situation.

This is important to recognize, find gratitude, and not take for granted.

It also makes me wonder how we can make morning routines more accessible for those who want a moment to themselves?

Does it come from…

  • Companies having a flexible start time for work?

  • Educating people on the morning routine options?

  • Providing support to parents and caregivers so they can have a moment to themselves?

  • Reminding people that they're worth getting out of bed for

For you -

Maybe this conversation gives you gratitude for your situation, a kick in the butt to not take it for granted, and grace for others' situation.

For me -

Amongst the many articles on morning routine tips and benefits, the conversation around accessibility is something I would like to explore more.