3 Ways To Create Work/Life Balance As A Remote Worker

I remember reaching my breaking point.

I once got so frustrated with work, I didn't want to even bring my phone into my bedroom.

Not charge your phone next to your bed what?

But I needed a break.

Because nowadays, work happens everywhere.

  • The gym

  • On a walk with the dog

  • At dinner with grandma

  • While laying in bed

When we give our attention to an email or chat message, we are bringing work into that space.

So if we want work to stay at work and be present for our personal lives, we need to think about WHERE work occurs.

3 ways to create work/life balance as a remote worker:


1) Identify a Command Center

This is the designated spot where you work, and nowhere else.

This allows you to keep work in 1 spot so you can be present for work and then be present for your life in other spaces.

For most of us, our Command Center is our desks, but work often spills over to the couch or kitchen where our personal lives occur.

Identify a Command Center.

Or look at it in the opposite way, identify "no work zones" in your life.

2) Signify a starting and ending of work

This allows work to not occur at all hours of the day.

Signify the start by:

  • Going to your command center

  • Opening the laptop

  • Changing clothes or putting shoes on

Signify the end by:

  • Leaving your command center

  • Putting the laptop in a drawer

  • Changing into other clothes

3) Remove work notifications from your phone's home screen

Don't need to remove the apps from your phone, but turn off the notifications from your home screen.

That way you get to choose IF and WHEN you check email and bring work into that space.

You decide what has your attention vs. someone else deciding for you.

If you want or need to be accessible at all times, then yes work occurs everywhere.

But not being accessible at all times doesn't make you a bad employee.

It makes you an intentional one.

Just comes down to who you want to be.

A worker or a human who happens to work.

If you want support and accountability with keeping work at work, let’s chat!

I open up a few 15-min spots on my schedule each week to chat with people about their habits and work/life balance!

Feel free to grab completely free :)