If You Don’t Want A Rushed Morning, Get Rid of The Dread & Guilt First

When I ask someone how their morning feels, the answer I usually get is “rushed.”

But I know this isn’t their FIRST feeling in the morning.

--The first feeling is DREAD that the alarm is going off.

--Followed by GUILT that they’re hitting snooze.

--And RUSHED is the byproduct of it all!

How do we tackle the dread and guilt, so the rushed morning doesn’t happen?

1) Establish a sleep buffer

A sleep buffer is the guilt-free 15 minutes you give yourself to slowly wake up.

That way when the alarm goes off, you’re not totally dreading getting out of bed and feeling guilty for hitting snooze.

You didn’t want to rush, so here’s your permission to not rush out of bed.

You start the day with GRACE instead of GUILT.

2) Plan something worth getting out of bed for

For most people, this is usually doing something for yourself before the workday starts.

Journal, meditate, walk, tidy up the house.

It is making a plan that contributes to the person you want to become.

Calm, grounded, healthy, organized.

You can then start the day with DESIRE instead of DREAD.

⭐ Little reminder: YOU’RE worth getting out of bed for!

If you want to talk through getting rid of the dread, guilt, and rushing in your morning, I offer 1 free 15-min morning routine audit to my email friends!

I have a few spots left this week so let me know if you want one!