The Moment I Knew Things Needed To Change

January 20, 2020

I had just returned from a long weekend trip to Boston and I felt completely out of control.

  • I didn’t like who I was.

  • I didn’t like how I was feeling.

  • I felt like a blob.

I think we are supposed to feel refreshed after a trip right?!

While the trip was fun, I’d…

  • Been around people 24/7

  • Woke up & immediately rushed around the whole day

  • Didn’t have a moment to breathe

I almost thought am I so high maintenance and stuck in my routines that I can’t handle 3 days of this?!

Before the trip, I was getting up and journaling most mornings to just say to myself…

“Hi you’re here, this is who you’re, this is what you feel, and this is what you want”

It was like this secret, 5-min weapon each morning getting me through the day and making me feel like I was in control my life.

I had been doing it for so long that I reached the point of what it felt like to not do it.

While I could survive not journaling, I was stronger with it.

So on January 20, 2020, I journaled and have every day since.

(Good timing as you know what those next few months looked like)

Journaling had become my:

  • Landing pad for hard times

  • Springboard for bigger things

  • Home away from home wherever I was

So as I arrive on 4 years of consecutive journaling, I share this with you to challenge you to…

  1. Find a small way to check-in with yourself each day

  2. Make it your secret weapon that makes you stronger

Maybe you’ve already had THAT moment like I did that kicked your morning routine or checking-in into gear.

BUT if you haven’t and you don’t want to wait for that “kick in the butt” moment, let’s chat about getting your morning routine going!