
23 | 5 ways we can be the cheerleader for other’s passions

September 16, 2019

How good is it to know that someone is right next to you supporting you? How good does it feel to have a cheerleader in your corner? It becomes almost integral to your success, right? However, how are we supposed to attract cheerleaders into our life or expect the people in our life to be the cheerleaders for our dreams and passions if we aren’t supporting there’s? How can you expect things from others if you aren’t doing it yourself? In this episode, I want to look into the words “I support you" or, "Let me know if you need anything,” what it looks like to be a cheerleader, and to make an impact on their life. Today, I share with you the five ways we can be a cheerleader for other’s passions.

How good is it to know that someone is right next to you supporting you? How good does it feel to have that cheerleader in your corner? It becomes almost integral to your success, right?



This episode is dedicated to my biggest cheerleaders and fans in my life (you know who you’re). You’re an integral part of why this podcast even exists.

I want you to think about how good it feels when you’re doing something and you know there is someone right next to you supporting you. Having a cheerleader, or multiple cheerleaders, if you’re lucky, to encourage you to keep pursuing your passions and dreams. Whether that’s cheering you on at mile one of twenty-six of your marathon, texts you good luck on a big job interview, or encourages you to start that small business. How good does that feel? It brings me a sense of calmness and convinces me that yea, I can do this.

Having these cheerleaders around is not only nice, but subconsciously, it becomes essential to your success. Essential meaning there are those times you’re doubting yourself or you need other perspectives or help. Your cheerleaders become this missing piece bringing your success to the next level.

I’m not doubting that you can do things on your own. Talk to anyone close to me and they will tell you that I’m one of the most independent and self-determined people you’ll ever meet. I know a lot of you are like that too. The thing I’ve found is that I’m human. I don’t have to do this on my own. There are times where I have doubted myself or felt discouraged. If I didn’t have supportive people around me to kick me in the butt and remind me why I’m doing this, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast. You have to have people around you that can fuel the rest of your energy your tank feels empty. It makes pursuing your passions and dreams a whole lot more fun too.

How are we supposed to attract cheerleaders into our life or expect those in our life to be our cheerleaders if we aren’t supporting their passions? How can you expect things from others if you aren’t doing it yourself?

The best thing you can do to attract cheerleaders into your life and encourage people already in your life to be your cheerleader is to be theirs. Set the example. Encourage them, love them, and support them in their dreams and passions.

I could have made this episode about the importance of surrounding yourself with cheerleaders, but we can’t just expect everyone else to be cheerleaders. We have to do our part too.

In this episode, I want to dive into what it looks like to be a cheerleader and support other’s passions. I want to look at saying, “I support you,” or, “Let me know if you need anything.” In addition to what it means to make an impact on their life helping push their dreams forward.

I learned a lot about how to be a cheerleader for other’s from the people that have supported me, watching people support others, from the people I’ve supported, and even the mistakes I made. I would love to share with you five ways we can be a cheerleader for other’s passions.


Continually show interest.

This one is as simple as it sounds. If you know someone who is pursuing something, ask them how it’s going. Have there been any wins or obstacles? Ask questions about specific aspects. People love talking about their passions. They will be grateful you asked and are willing to listen.

There are certain people I know that I don’t see very often that will always check in with me. That means more than they know. That little bit of interest from another person means a lot and pushes you to keep going. Responding to their Instagram story with, “You’re killing it,” can be supportive as well.

If the person is someone that is very close to you and in your inner circle, you can show interest by informally becoming their accountability partner. Ask them how it’s going and encourage them to continue towards the goal. Listen to them. If you’re close to them, they will give you the real low down on how it’s going. Hear them out. Encourage them to keep going and be their accountability partner. It will mean more than you know.

Continually show interest.


Don’t shoot down an idea. Provide suggestions and ask questions.

I’ve watched this happen. I’m sure you have too. You come to someone with an idea that you’re super excited about and they completely shoot it down. Oh my God. You might as well stick a knife in my heart.

If someone comes to you with an idea that you don’t think is good or you disagree with, don’t start shooting it down right away. Who knows, they could be onto something. If you shoot it down, we will never know. Now, they want to crawl into a hole.

Instead of shooting down an idea that you don’t agree with, start by asking some questions to help them think deeper or provide suggestions. By asking questions and providing suggestions, you will make them feel like you’re showing interest. A lot of times when someone comes to you with an idea, they haven’t really thought it through completely. You will help them thinking through their idea.

Don’t shoot down an idea. Provide suggestions and ask questions


Don’t give them crap for pursuing their passion.

This is important because we do it subconsciously. I even catch myself sometimes. Don’t give someone crap for pursuing their passion because it inconveniences you or its not the way you would like things to go. We’ve all been there. We think about it and sometimes, some of us say it out loud. 

Say we ask a group of friends to go out for breakfast on a Saturday morning, one friend, who has a passion for running and has a big marathon coming up, says that she won’t be able to come because she has to run on Saturday morning while it’s still cool out. We can get annoyed and be like, “Oh, I guess we won’t be seeing Claire today because she has to run and prepare for her stupid race.” Admit it. We think it. We almost want to give the friend the cold shoulder because they aren’t hanging out with you. It sounds petty and catty, but we do it subconsciously.

Even when your friend has worked hard to achieve their long-term goal, we can still get annoyed. We should be supporting them and encouraging them and be like, “You go girl. You’re killing it,” instead of hating on them.

The reason we feel like we want to be annoyed and give the cold shoulder is because, in a way, we are mad at ourselves for not doing what they’re doing. W are kind of jealous of their determination. Admit it. It’s like that quote, “Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.” People are doing great things and pursuing their goals and passions. Don’t hate on them because you ain’t them. Use them as inspiration to go after your own goals and passions.

Don’t give people crap for pursuing their passion.


Enable them to pursue their passions.

Now that you’re not holding them back or giving them crap, enable them to pursue their passions. See if you can make their life easier.

I’ve seen in couples over the years. If there is someone in the relationship that has a passion or a goal, try to make it easier on them so they can pursue it. That could look like changing your Thursday date night to Wednesday because they now have art class on Thursdays and can’t do both. It could be watching the kids or dog for a few hours so the other person can work on their passion. Maybe it’s making room for that passion in the budget this month. A commonality is the willingness to be flexible and adaptable. There is a line and a balance. They need to do their part too. You can support each other by being flexible. If we love them enough, we will probably love doing whatever we can to support their dreams and passions.

There are so many ways you can make the passionate person’s life easier and enable them to pursue what they want to do. Trust me that it will mean more than anything in the world.

Enable them to pursue their passions.


Be there; no matter the result.

This is important. No matter if our friend or our significant other succeeds or falls short, we have to be there. We have to be there. This includes the I’m proud of you’s, wiping of the tears, celebration toasts, and late night coffee’s to keep going. Being there is everything. In this world, you can be there and not be there. You are only a call, text or FaceTime away. Being there no matter the result is everything. You’ll notice those are your loved ones and OG cheerleaders in your life.

Be there; no matter the result.

To recap how we can be the cheerleader for other’s passions:

  1. Show interest continually.

  2. Don’t shoot down an idea. Provide suggestions and ask questions.

  3. Don’t give them crap for pursuing their passion.

  4. Enable them to pursue their passions.

  5. Be there; no matter the result.

It means the absolute world to the people you’re supporting. You will feel good too. If you’re spreading love and support, there is a good chance you’re going to get a cheerleader right back. Things happen and even if we are the cheerleader for someone and we don’t get any ra ra back, be proud that you’re doing your part to create a better world. You’re creating a life you’re proud of.

Thank you so much for listening! I hope this makes you want to be a cheerleader for others and squeeze the cheerleaders you have super tight. If you have any other ideas or ways you are being the best cheerleader you can be, DM me on Instagram @heyitsclaireedwards. Next week is the season finale episode. Make sure you’re hitting that subscribe button so that you aren’t missing a thing.

Thank you again! I’ll see you next week for my season finale guest episode.