
5 | Creating your home with julie pochodylo

March 18, 2019

You know that feeling when you move into your new apartment on campus or in a new city, and there is nothing in there? Nothing on the walls; no decorations. This makes me feel sad. Who knows if I’ll ever get around to putting my touch on the place. We are busy and also broke college and post-grad kids. My guest today, Julie Pochodylo, sees these empty walls as an opportunity to express herself. She prides herself on taking the time to decorate her room and create a positive space for herself to come home to no matter what. Julie has inspired me to take the time to turn my once dingy apartment into a space that is filled with trip mementos, positive quote canvas, colors, and pictures that make my heart happy. I hope by hearing our conversation, it sparks some inspiration for you to get some positivity into your space.

You know that feeling when you move into your new apartment on campus or in a new city, and there is just nothing in there, nothing on the walls, no decorations?