
6 | Your life pivots with cecilia rodriguez

April 1, 2019

For a lot of us, when we were in college, we had a plan or vision for what we were going to do after we graduate. It’s getting that dream job that aligns with your major or getting into that dream graduation school. What happens when things don’t go as we envisioned? We tend to freak out and are forced to pivot. My guest on this episode can speak to that. My friend, Cecilia Rodriguez, started out in a dream job that coincided with her major, but not long after realized that the universe was calling her to do something else. Cecilia is twenty-seven, a little older than my usual guests, but she takes us through her pivots in her early twenties that led her to where she is today. She is a testament proving we do come out on the other side. I loved talking to her. She is knowledgable on many topics such as film, yoga, social media, herbalism and more. All due to to the many life pivots that she has had. I hope this conversation gives you courage to make those life pivots and hope that you’re going to make it out on the other side.

I think for a lot of us when we were in college we had a plan or vision for what we were going to do after we graduate. For a lot of us, its getting that dream job that coincides with your major, or getting into that dream grad school.