2 Sneaky Ways To Take The Control Back From Your Phone


When you wake up and check your phone first thing, you've decided that SOMEONE ELSE is choosing how your day starts.

This happens most often with:

  • THE EMAIL: that makes that puts you into work mode before you've even gotten out of bed

  • THE TEXT: from a friend asking for a favor

  • THE SOCIAL MEDIA PICTURE: that makes you compare your life to others who look "better"


YOU decide how your starts and make 2 small changes to how you use your phone in the morning!


1) Delay when you look at your phone in the morning

The morning is likely the only time & space to have an original thought and find a moment of calm in the day.

Don't let your phone ruin that moment!

Pro tips to delay using your phone:

  • Make your bed a "no phone zone," meaning you have to get up to use it

  • Put your phone on do not disturb so you don't see the notifications

  • Challenge yourself to do 1-3 self care activities before looking at your phone

That way YOU get to decide how the day starts.


2) Pick a time you'll check your phone and stick to it

If you pick a time and are consistent with it, other people will….

  • Start to learn how you operate

  • Know what to expect from you

  • (Hopefully) respect your boundaries


For the past 4+ years I've delayed checking my phone until after my morning routine is over.

The results:

  • My mom waits to call me until after 8am

  • Work knows I'll respond to inquiries at 9am

BUT If you're in situation where you need to check your phone first thing:

Some people will take a quick look just to make sure nothing is an emergency, meaning this thing has to be done NOW and by ME.

(but you'll notice very little things are an actual emergency)


An important note for my perfectionists:

Delaying using your phone still makes you a good and reliable employee, daughter, friend, etc.

You're just taking control of your life and deciding how your day starts.