3 Confidence Boosters For Implementing Work/Life Balance

For the past 5+ years, I thought people needed the TOOLS for work/life balance (and they still may).

But they really need the PERMISSION and CONFIDENCE to implement work/life balance.


3 reasons I find this true:

1) We were taught in college the most important thing was to GET THE JOB.

So when we have interests outside of work, how and when do we pursue those?

2) We want to be good employees SO BAD.

So we allow our boundaries to be pushed, but how far is too far?

3) We live in the new, BLURRY age of flexible work.

Companies have documented guidelines for flexible work, but they also have "unspoken guidelines" -- so which "unspoken guidelines" are ok to implement to help your work/life balance?


3 permissions for my fellow rule-following, people pleasing, perfectionists:

1) Build the ideal work/life you want to live.

Where/when/how you do work and life is in your control more than you think.

2) Trust your own discretion.

You know when you're pushing the limits vs. can use the "unspoken guidelines" to achieve work/life balance.

3) You're more than your work.

When you go to bed at night and wake up in the morning, you know who you're…and it is so much more than your job title.