3 Ways A Morning Routine Impacts Your Career

Let's throw out all the traditional reasons to have a morning routine for just a second.

If you're a 9-5 worker, here are 3 reasons why a morning routine actually matters:

1) When you get the Sunday scaries about work on Monday…

You have your morning routine of journaling or working out planned so you can wakeup for YOU instead of work

2) When you have a rushed morning…

You have an Anchor Activity, something you do each morning to pause & checkin, to slow down and decide who you're and who you're going to be.

(A quick & easy Anchor is 5 deep breaths in the car before stepping into work)

3) The person you show up as at work determines if…

  • People are going to trust you in a business aspect (more likely to trust a calm & collected person vs. a rushed & scattered person)

  • Want to be around you in a people aspect (the calm person is more approachable than the frantic person)

So how do you build these into your morning routine?

1) When picking what to do in the morning, ask yourself,

  • what is something easy you could do for 1-5 minutes to ground yourself (this is your ANCHOR)

  • what do you crave

  • what would you do in the morning if you were on vacation (yes you can do that now, minus the beach)

  • what's something you want to do that you're too tired after work to do


2) To get rid of the rush

  • Once you have something planned that is worth waking up for, you're more likely to get out of bed

  • Attach your Anchor to something you already do, like brushing your teeth

  • Time block your morning so you have checkin points of when you need to move onto getting dressed or making breakfast


3) Use your morning routine to push your career forward

  • Journal or walk to get clarity & manifest where you want your career to go

  • Do something besides work to take the stress & pressure off of working determining your worth & happiness (I call this "diversifying your happiness")