After 6 years of morning routines, this winter I've been in a rut…
(yes morning routine coaches get into ruts too)
I picked up The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (arguably the most well-known book on morning routines) to find some inspiration.
Here are 4 surprising takeaways that stood out to me:
1) The SAVERS framework is a great outline for your morning if you don't know where to start
S ilence
A ffirmations
V isualization
E xercise
R eading
S cribing
He mentions doing 10 minutes of each of these, but even starting with just 1 of them will get you that early win you need!
2) You determine before you go to bed how you're going to feel when you wake up
Hal says:
"Seven hours, eight hours, nine hours - the hours of sleep I got didn’t significantly change how I felt when the alarm clock went off in the morning. As long as I told myself that I wasn't getting enough sleep and that I was going to feel tired in the morning, that’s exactly how I felt."
Even if we got 10 hours of sleep, it can feel like we've never gotten enough. Good reminder that our mindset can change our mood just as much as sleep.
3) Morning routines aren't stealing your sleep - TikTok & Netflix are
We often think mornings take away from your sleep, when they're actually taking away from mind-numbing activities
Late-night or early morning scrolling
Mindless TV
Other activities that aren't really helping you
Consider what you are ACTUALLY cutting out when adding a morning routine.
4) The alarm clock needs to be across the room, no matter how much discipline you have
Discipline to not hit snooze only gets us so far.
We need to set up our environment for the life we want to live, such as putting alarm across the room so we get up.
So simple, yet effective!
Something else I learned from reading this book —
Even if you’re an expert in your field, there is always something to learn or a new perspective you’ve never considered.
Keep learning if you want to keep growing.