4 Ways To Keep Going After Your Goals When People Around You Don’t Get It

1 month into the new year and maybe you’re noticing something…

Did you set some big goals this month or year that are different than the people around you?


  • Not drinking/dry January

  • Waking up early to journal

  • Workout 4+ days per week

  • Smarter spending

  • Starting your dream business

You’re acting on these things, but you find it hard to keep going because the people around you don’t have the same goals.

Maybe they don’t get it, and it’s not our job for them to get it.

But it’s also not a reason to stop going after your goals!

Here are 4 ways to keep showing up for your goals when people around you don’t get it:

1) Set the example

You may not realize it, but the people around you may need you as the positive influence in their life.

Be the trailblazer and set the example for going after your goals!

Without even saying anything, you may be surprised who joins you (maybe even your significant other?)!

2) Train people on your new boundaries

While you set the example, you’re also training people on your new boundaries.

What I mean is keep showing up how you want to and slowly that will become the new thing they expect from you.

  • Not drinking

  • Not responding to texts after 9pm

  • Prioritizing getting to the gym

The more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you (the best version of you)!

Others will start to expect it from you and (the right people) will respect those boundaries.

3) Listen to podcasts

I remember when I first got out of college and had dreams of doing more than just my day job.

I didn’t feel like I had people around me who had the same mindset.

But there were a lot of people on podcasts who did!

Every day on my 30 min commute to work, I listened to people who had the mindset I had/wanted and filled my ears with that.

It was motivating, inspiring, and made me feel like my dreams weren’t crazy!

A few I listen to on the reg right now:

4) Show up in spaces who have those people

I kinda despise the advice of “get new friends who think the same as you and leave the rest behind.”

It’s not a flip of a switch.

I say start showing up in spaces with people who have the mindset you want to be around!

Find communities, events, and places who have those people.

Search your specific interest on sites like:

You may be surprised what you find!

ALSO - you aren’t going to find your BFFs the 1st time you show up to an event!

Building friendships takes showing up multiple times, so give it more than 1 chance.

P.S. - It took me a solid year of living in Columbus to find communities I clicked with and 2 years to find my BFFs!

Be patient and keep showing up; you’ll find YOUR PEOPLE!

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I swear every event I go to, I meet someone who says:

“No one in my life really gets it and I don’t have anyone to talk to about my goals!”

If you’re feeling this way, I’m ready to hear your big goals!

Let’s chat about morning routine or time management coaching and make your big goals happen this year!