How To Know When You're Doing Enough (in the morning & life)

I booked a speaking gig this week I would have killed to book 2 years ago.

I got it and thought “Ok now I need more.”

I heard a similar story from someone when they talked about their morning routine. 

"I'm waking up at 6am now, but I could be doing earlier."

Or when my fellow health-conscious friends talking about their workouts.

"I worked out 3x this week, but I could be doing more."

When is what we’re doing enough?

We've done ourselves a disservice by not identifying what "enough" means.

3 questions that have helped give myself credit (while still pushing forward):

1) What does a good day/morning/workout look like?

Identifying 3 priorities that would make today a good day or what is the 1 target goal post you're going after.

2) What am I doing majority of the time?

Even when I miss a day, focusing on the fact that I hit 6 out of 7.


3) Would my younger self be proud?

Would your college self be proud of where you sit today? Would your 13 year old self be excited to hear where you're today?

This one gets me in the feels.

Because maybe just maybe, it's even better than you imagined.

P.S. you’re doing enough.