Andrew Small | Unsplash
We want things out of this life. We want things to be good and we want them to be good now.
It is the perfectionist and go-getter in us.
We say we are willing to take the steps to learn how to get there.
But are we? Are we willing to change in order to get a different outcome?
More than anything, are we willing to experiment?
In life, we can experiment in many ways.
We can experiment by dating different types of people throughout life to help us eventually find our person.
We can experiment by taking different job opportunities to see what we like.
We can experiment by trying out new hobbies and personal projects to see what feels the best.
But experimenting is hard.
We are hesitant to let go of the old things.
We can be closed off to new, unfamiliar things.
We beat ourselves up for not getting things right the first time.
We grow impatient when things aren't working out.
We become jealous of the people that seem to have it all figured out.
We believe we won't ever be good enough.
We become unmotivated to keep moving forward.
We feel like we are wasting our time.
We don't give ourselves grace.
I don't have experimenting all figured out, but here are 3 affirmations we can use to get us through:
I am figuring it out.
We often beat ourselves up for not getting things right. It is important to remember that we are all, and always will be, a work in progress. No one has it figured out, even if we think they do. We are all good enough at the place in the journey that we are at. Just by you stepping foot into the boxing ring, you have already conquered more than you or a lot of other people have.
I can detach from the old stories in order to find new ones.
A lot of times what is holding us back from getting to bigger and better places is holding onto the way things were before. The old stories keep us from creating new ones. It isn't easy, but we can find a way to get out of our own way and live better than we could have ever imagined.
If I'm putting my whole heart into it, it is not a waste of time. I will learn something no matter what.
When things don't work, we feel like we wasted our time. You may not know it now, but the things you did before will come back to benefit you in the future. If you threw your whole heart into something and gave it all you got, it was worth your time because you will learn from it. This is a reason to always keep moving forward.
Here are some resources I really love that also talk about experimenting: