Happy, Successful 9-5ers are Doing This 1 Thing Differently

If work hasn't been your favorite thing lately, read this.

Over the past 2 years, I've had a few friends take sabbaticals (voluntarily taking 6 or more months off work). 

I was shocked to hear how they were feeling after 6 months off of work:

  • Bored

  • Lonely

  • Lazy

  • Lack of purpose

It exposed the often overlooked perks of having a 9-5:

  • Feeling wanted or needed

  • Not feeling alone or isolated

  • A little structure can get us moving

  • Having purpose

Something to have gratitude for!

But is work the only thing that can give us these feelings?

Over the past 5+ years -

Some of the happiest, most successful 9-5ers I've interacted with live as if work is a valuable source of purpose, but it isn't their only source.

They also get purpose from -

Family, friends, hobbies, health, volunteering, etc.

It is this balancing act of deriving purpose from work, but not too much that it starts determining your happiness in life.

A good reminder to ask ourselves -

  • Where is your purpose coming from?

  • Is it coming from multiple areas of your life?