3 Habits I Don't Recommend Adding To Your Morning - Without Considering This

I got asked if I speak to moms.

My answer:

Although I don’t usually cater my morning routine content to moms since I am not a mom and don’t pretend I know all the things moms go through (because moms are the heroes of the world!)…

Some of the information could still be applied to their life!

It's like with any information we consume….

Some can be applied to our situation and some can't.

Take morning routines for examples.

3 common habits people try to add to their morning without considering if it works for them:

  1. Waking up at 5am

  2. Working out first thing

  3. Doing the same thing every single day

Why these don't work for everyone:

1) Waking up at 5am:

If right now you wake up at 7am every day, starting to wake up at 5am every day all of a sudden isn't going to be super sustainable.

Meet yourself where you're at and then work your way up!

But it really isn't about what time you wake up, but why you're waking up at the time you're. 

What and who are you waking for?  

Make sure you like the reason, and that will make 5am seem a lot easier.

2) Working out first thing

I encourage people to cater their daily schedule to what their body/mind naturally crave.

When does your brain feel the most stimulated?

When does your body want to move?

Sync your schedule with your body/mind if you can!

Then the things like working out won't feel as forced in your day. 

3) Doing the same thing every single day

There is a chance your schedule is not the same 5 days a week, and definitely not 7 days a week, so why do the same routine every day?

You're allowed to have versions of your morning routine!

For example, you could have a:

  • WFH routine & go to the office routine

  • Workout morning routine & a writing morning routine

Pro tip: if you're worried about staying consistent…

  • Have an "anchor activity" like journaling that you do every day

  • Then after journaling, maybe you do yoga when you WFH and nothing when you go to the office

It’s a way to have consistency without doing the same thing every day!

Because it's not about doing things perfectly every day, but are you showing up majority of days!


I've made the mistake of applying what other people were doing with their finances, career, dog, etc. to my life, and then beat myself up when it didn't work!

YOU know YOUR situation best!

Take what you think works and leave the rest for someone else.