How I Became More Present at Home


Lately, we have been forced to make our homes a multifunctional space. Ya know, quarantine and all.

I found the trickiest thing about doing everything in my home though was going from one activity to the next, and getting my brain to follow along with it.

Going from working on the couch to relaxing on the couch, it was hard for my brain to go from productivity mode to relaxation mode. Going from meditating on my bedroom floor to doing workouts in the same spot, it was hard to get my brain from quiet to motivated.

Not to mention doing all these things in the same space tended to make me feel stir crazy and claustrophobic.

It was a challenge for me to get present as I changed activities, but stayed in the same spot.

So I decided to create a space for each activity and each mindset.

And in a 1,500 square foot apartment with a roommate, I knew I had to get creative. I even created spaces that weren't really there I guess you could say by placing a blanket on the floor or making a little nook in a part of the room.

Now there is a place for everything and everything is in its place (including my brain)…

The desk and desk chair are for working.

The fuzzy blanket on the floor is for meditation and prayer.

The bed is for sleeping and reading.

The couch is for screen time and relaxing.

The outside is for workouts and yoga.

The spot by the window is for journaling and creative work.

Doing this has allowed me to be more present in each part of my day. It has allowed me to get my brain in the zone I want it to be in. More than anything, it has allowed me to fully enjoy each small moment of my day.

If you're in a similar situation as me where you're entering week 13 of working from home (so thankful to even have that option), making a place for everything has been a major reason I have been loving and fully embracing the work from home life.

But even post-pandemic, I see myself continuing this practice of making a place for everything in my home as I continue to try to be more mindful and present in my life.