The Morning Routine You Wish You Started Earlier


As an avid podcast listener, I listened to successful person after successful person talk about how they had a morning routine.

Some went for a run, did an ice bath, and meditated. Others journaled, did yoga, or skimmed the news.

These high-achievers and people I admired explained that having a routine they do each morning starts their day off right and prepares them mentally and physically for what is to come.

So I wanted to try out this morning routine thing for myself.

However, I didn't really know where to start and choosing what to do felt a little overwhelming.

One thing I did learn from others who had tried morning routines was the goal wasn't to wake up earlier and do more things before work. It was about starting the day in a way that felt good while also doing the things you wanted to do.

To help me brainstorm what to include in my morning routine, I found a few questions helpful:

What would you do if you were on vacation?

One of the things I love about going on vacation is getting to spend my morning however I want and not feeling like I have to rush off anywhere.

So why can't I create that morning for myself at home?

Unfortunately for most of us, we can't go sit on the beach like we would on vacation, but we can create a morning like we are on vacation.

Reading on the porch, slowly drinking a cup of coffee, going on a morning walk, or making a nice breakfast. We can do some of these things (or all of them) even on a regular day.

You can make the morning special everyday.

What do you not always get to do in your busy day, but want to?

Our biggest reason for not doing things we want to do is lack of time.

We have so many responsibilities that need our attention that things we want to do get lost in the mix.

So why not make time for the things we want to do?

I specifically think of hobbies or interests when reading this question.

Start writing the book you always wanted to. Research apartments in the area of town you want to move to. Fit that yoga session in that you're always too tired to do after work.

Not only will you have time for these things, but your freshest energy will be put towards them.

What do you want to feel in the morning?

This is an open-ended question, and there isn't a right or wrong answer.

Some would say they want to feel productive. Some would say energetic. Some would say tranquil. Maybe you want your brain or body to be more stimulated or suppressed.

Whatever it may be, create that for yourself in the morning.

This is your first feeling that kicks off the day so kick it off the right way.

What is nice about these questions is that the answers can change and will change in different seasons of life. This will lead to new morning routines that serve you as you grow.

You may not find the routine that feels good right away, but it is important to be patient with yourself and willing to experiment as you explore and find the routine that serves you right now.

You can create the dream morning for yourself you never knew you needed.