Unsplash | Damian Zaleski
When we think of journaling, we may think of it as a place to process feelings or ideas that we have. It is a very personal process and the words we write aren't usually shared with others.
The thing about journaling is that what we do behind closed doors affects what we do when we open the door to the world. We can use journaling as a tool to help us understand who we want to be and what we want to do.
This can include in our careers. Journaling about our feelings or ideas about our current or future careers can help us show up in the way that we want to.
Here are 3 ways journaling can help elevate your career.
When you have a big meeting or hard conversation coming up, journaling can prepare you to present concise points confidently.
There can be a lot of anxiety leading up to a big meeting or hard conversation. Journaling can be a place to let all the feelings out.
Letting that out can give you a clear head and get you ready to take on whatever may come.
When it comes to preparing for a big meeting or hard conversation, you can journal out the key points you want to get across. This can keep you on track and away from using too many filler words.
You can think about what kind of tone you want to speak in, as well as the tone you want to respond to people in.
Most importantly, journaling this out can give you the confidence that you're capable of delivering the message and the vision of the meeting or conversation going well.
When you’re facing a tough decision or reoccurring problem, journaling can encourage you to take action or change your perspective on it.
Sometimes we let decisions or problems sit on the backburner for a little, which can be good for processing them. However, if we let them simmer too long, often things will boil over and create a bigger mess either for us emotionally or externally.
If you're facing a tough decision or reoccurring problem, your journal is a safe space to let the feelings out. If you find yourself writing these feelings out day after day about these decisions or problems, it becomes clear that not much action is being taken.
Journaling can help you switch from being problem-focused to solution-focused. If the decision or problem is still bothering you, you can brainstorm how you could take action on it. If things are completely out of your control, you can decide if and how you're going to change your perspective on the situation.
Your journal is a space to diligently work through your decisions and problems and possibly lead you to a more fulfilling and successful career.
When you are deciding the next steps in your career, journaling can help you get clear on what you need to be doing & who you need to be talking to.
Journaling is a great place for a brainstorm session. Whether it is a bunch of jumbled sentences of a bulleted list, your journal is a great place to let out all the ideas, even the ones that may feel crazy.
If you're contemplating the next steps to take in your career, your journal is a great space to brainstorm all your ideas. Maybe you want to grow on the team you're on. Maybe you want to move to a different department in the company you're at. Maybe you want to take a totally different path. Get all the possibilities out there.
As you brainstorm, you can start seeing what becomes appealing to you. You may also start figuring out what career moves might best fit with your interests, compensation expectations, family-life, etc.
Once you have an idea of what you're aiming for, you can gain some clarity on what you need to be doing and who you need to be talking with to help you get there.
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