How I Do My Monthly Check-In

When you get to the end of the month, a lot of the time it feels like where did the time go, where did my money go, or what am I doing with my life?

To come back to center, here is something I enjoy doing at the end of each month.

Grab a piece of paper or a journal and take 10 minutes to write down reflections and intentions.

Write reflections for the past month.

This could be a bulleted list of things you did, things you’re proud of, or worked hard on. It is a moment to find some gratitude.

Then write intentions for the month ahead.

How do you want your time to be spent? Who do you want to spend time with? What does progress look like to you?

Then throughout the month if I ever have one of those days where I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, I come back to my intentions. It gives me clarity and confidence on what I am doing with my life.