Is There A Healthy Amount of Not Caring

I’m definitely a perfectionist, a go-getter, and sometimes I just care a little too much.

I’m trying to figure out, what is the healthy level of not caring?

When there are a lot of problems at work, at what point do I just have to let it go and try again the next day so I can enjoy my evening?

When I don’t get the positive response I was hoping for from the video I posted or work presentation I made, what is the healthy amount of taking feedback, but also not taking it personally?

When my face doesn’t look as clear as it usually does like it does today, how do I not let this thing I’m self conscious about stop me from feeling confident going places or posting videos like I do?

I think there are 3 questions that can help give myself permission to care a little less.

Am I being considerate of others and following through on the promises I made?

Most of the time you probably are, so you aren’t letting anyone else down.

Have I done all the things that are in my control?

Most of the time you have and that means we gotta let the things out of our control go.

Does this 1 thing that is making me upset determine my overall happiness or keep me from moving forward?

This is the question that helps me let go a little, take care of my mental health, and find gratitude in the things that are bringing happiness to my life.