What I Learned From Deleting Social Media for 2 Weeks

I did an experiment where I deleted all social media apps off my phone for 2 weeks while I was on vacation with my family.

Here is what I learned.

I loved it.

It made me more present when we were out and about. My brain felt like it was fully there.

I only accessed social media from my computer when I happened to have some downtime at night and it felt like a more intentional way to use social media.

I hated it.

I felt disconnected from the rest of the world as it wasn’t at my fingertips. It is crazy how I’ve grown to feel the need to be connected to the world at all times.

I was also reminded that social media is a place where you can connect with like-minded people quickly and cure some of that intellectual loneliness where you think, am I the only person that thinks and feels this way?

This experiment reminded me to ask, what is my goal?

My brain works in an all or nothing mindset and can be very restrictive sometimes when it comes to going after goals.

So the next time I want to make a sustainable lifestyle change, I can ask, what is my goal?

I’m finding most of the time, it isn’t to limit something completely or use it excessively.

It is to do things more intentionally or in moderation. And that can help me start aligning my actions to my goals.