When Social Media Makes You Feel Behind

Social media has been such a great way to connect and keep up with people’s lives, but I think there is 1 aspect that is really hard to overcome.

I’m 26. When I open my social media I see people getting engaged, married, buying houses, having babies, and starting businesses.

I am so happy for people when I see this, but if I’m being real, it makes me feel behind.

It’s like “dang why don’t I have that? What the heck am I doing wrong?”

A couple of things I’ve been reminding myself in these moments:

The path the person had to take to get to where they’re might not have been as easy as you think.

People could have waited, prayed, manifested, and worked their butts off for years to make that happen, but we are only seeing the shiny result. Remember there was probably a long process and a lot of struggle to get to that point.

Asking myself are those the things I actually want right now?

Engagement, marriage, babies, am I even ready for that? Sure we want it someday, but no need to get down on ourselves when we aren’t mentally ready for it right now.

If I do want those shiny things eventually, know that I’m on the path to get there and I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be right now.

It doesn’t matter where you’re on the path or how fast you’re moving, as long as you’re on it.

If you don’t feel like you’re on the path, what is a small step you can take to get you to where you want to go?