The Best Advice I’ve Received About Patience

I was given some wise advice lately, which was…

You can’t plant the seeds and eat the fruit on the same day.

This has been helpful to me as I’ve thought about driving change at work, making adult friendships, and developing my blog.

Maybe it is the millennial in me, but you can’t plant the seeds and eat the fruit on the same day. It just doesn’t happen that fast.

For a long time, I’ve only focused on the fruit. The high goal, the destination, and getting to the destination right now.

I haven’t really paid attention to the planting of the seeds. The smaller steps, the journey.

I’ve noticed that focusing only on the fruit, the destination, and getting to the destination right now has not helped me get there faster. It has just made it overwhelming.

So how do I start planting the seeds and go after my goals without getting burnt out?

Here are a few things I’m considering.

Focusing on what seeds I would be interested in planting and not necessarily the fruit.

What do I enjoy doing? Who and what sparks my interest? I think starting there could lead me on a journey I enjoy.

Being patient about when and how fast the seeds will sprout.

Continually showing up to plant the seeds to give me the chance for one to sprout.

After all, the grass grows where you water it. 

Not limiting the opportunities for what the fruit is going to look like.

It is like I have a grip so tightly on what the fruit or the outcome is supposed to be that I’m keeping it from flourishing into possibly something bigger.

I gotta approach with an experimental mindset. Plant some seeds and see what happens.

As a perfectionist, this is scary because I fear I’ll plant some seeds, nothing comes from them, and I’ll waste my time.

I’m slowly learning that if you keep planting the seeds, at some point something is going to sprout, and maybe grow into something better than I could have ever imagined.

Reminding myself over and over again that you can’t plant the seeds and eat the fruit on the same day. Have to be patient.