2 Sneaky Ways To Take The Control Back From Your Phone


When you wake up and check your phone first thing, you've decided that SOMEONE ELSE is choosing how your day starts.

This happens most often with:

  • THE EMAIL: that makes that puts you into work mode before you've even gotten out of bed

  • THE TEXT: from a friend asking for a favor

  • THE SOCIAL MEDIA PICTURE: that makes you compare your life to others who look "better"


YOU decide how your starts and make 2 small changes to how you use your phone in the morning!


1) Delay when you look at your phone in the morning

The morning is likely the only time & space to have an original thought and find a moment of calm in the day.

Don't let your phone ruin that moment!

Pro tips to delay using your phone:

  • Make your bed a "no phone zone," meaning you have to get up to use it

  • Put your phone on do not disturb so you don't see the notifications

  • Challenge yourself to do 1-3 self care activities before looking at your phone

That way YOU get to decide how the day starts.


2) Pick a time you'll check your phone and stick to it

If you pick a time and are consistent with it, other people will….

  • Start to learn how you operate

  • Know what to expect from you

  • (Hopefully) respect your boundaries


For the past 4+ years I've delayed checking my phone until after my morning routine is over.

The results:

  • My mom waits to call me until after 8am

  • Work knows I'll respond to inquiries at 9am

BUT If you're in situation where you need to check your phone first thing:

Some people will take a quick look just to make sure nothing is an emergency, meaning this thing has to be done NOW and by ME.

(but you'll notice very little things are an actual emergency)


An important note for my perfectionists:

Delaying using your phone still makes you a good and reliable employee, daughter, friend, etc.

You're just taking control of your life and deciding how your day starts.


6 Harsh Truths for Achieving Work/Life Balance and Career Growth

It's been 6 years since I entered the battle.

The battle I'm talking about (that you're probably in too):

Navigating career growth WHILE striving to maintain a strong sense of work/life balance.

In the past 6 years, there are 6 harsh truths I had to accept to propel my professional growth without sacrificing my personal life

1) People notice consistency. Be consistent at the right things.


  • What you say you're going to do

  • Stick to the boundaries you've set so people don't expect your attention during non-working hours


  • Be the person who doesn't communicate

  • Continually rush in late

Start to Ask Yourself: What do I do consistently?

People notice, and relationships are going to be the wind in your sails for your career. 

2) Relationships are EVERYTHING.

  • Chat with people before or after the meeting

  • Have coffee or lunch with someone you want to connect more with

  • Make an effort to go to the office if you're hybrid

Building relationships and trust can push your career forward almost more than the day to day tasks you're doing.

However - no one is coming to save you.

3) No one is coming to save you.

Even if you've built strong relationships, you still have to directly ask for:

  • The raise

  • Someone to advocate for you

  • Extra support or training

Don't assume someone is going to make it happen for you.

Taking initiative and going above & beyond is essential to growth.

4) Just doing your job is not going to be enough (if you want to grow).

In order to excel, you have to find time for:

  • Digging into root causes, instead of slapping band aids on a problem

  • Leading projects that aren't in the original job description

The time may not seem there, but what are the little things you can do that make a BIG difference?

And despite what you've been told, it's possible to do this without burning out.

5) Your ideal job situation exists.

We've been told that working 60 hour weeks, going to the office every day, and feeling burnt out is normal.

If you don't want to do this to be YOUR normal, your ideal work situation DOES exist!

Starts with getting really specific about what that looks like:

  • when do you work

  • where do you work

  • how much flexibility do you have

Then integrate parts of it into your current situation.

If this doesn't seem possible, don't stop dreaming about it.

You're in control of this more than you think.

6) Wakeup for you, not for work.

Whether you're in your ideal job situation or not, consider WHO you're waking up for.

  • Who is choosing what time you wake up?

  • Who is choosing what you do when you wake up?

Even if you have to be at work early, you can:

  • Set your alarm for the time YOU want to get up so you can…

  • Do something for YOU before the work day starts.

This is the difference between work controlling your life vs. you controlling your life.

This mindset shift helps you:

  • prioritize you

  • takes pressure off of work

  • makes you a more effective employee because you've fueled you


To recap,

  1. People notice consistency. Be consistent at the right things.

  2. Relationships are EVERYTHING

  3. No one is coming to save you.

  4. Just doing your job is not going to be enough (if you want to grow).

  5. Your ideal job situation exists.

  6. Wakeup for you, not for work.

If I had a billboard to sum up the first 6 years of my career, it would say:  

You're more than your work.


What would your billboard say?


You're Probably Doing A Morning Routine & Don't Even Know It….

You're probably doing a morning routine and don't even know it….

  • You get up

  • Brush your teeth

  • Get dressed for the day

  • Etc.

The foundation is there, now what if you could take it to the next level?

Level 1:

Do your morning without rushing

(maybe try only hitting snooze once)

Level 2:

Add something you've been wanting to do, like 2 mins of journaling

(habit stack or place it after brushing your teeth to make it easier)

Level 3:

Make it a non-negotiable

(remind yourself that you're living your life on your terms, so you're going to start your day on your terms)

THE KEY: starting from where you're at & taking small steps forward

You've already built the foundation so now take it to the next level!

And always here to cheer you on!


Is Your Perfectionism Ruining Your Morning Routine?

8 times out of 10, if a moment gets ruined, a perfectionist ruins it for themselves. 

Take a yoga teacher who happens to be a perfectionist.

They will likely…

  • Come with a complete plan for the class

  • Teach the class

  • Receive praise after from students

BUT they will have criticized themselves for the whole 60 minutes about how they could be teaching better.

I know this because I've been that perfectionist yoga teacher (and I know I'm not the only one)!

For so long I thought yoga is about doing poses correctly, but it's actually about modifying poses and doing what feels good to your body and mind that day.

Probably a lesson we could apply to everything else…

~Stop ruining the moment with your perfectionism.~


When it comes to morning routines, 8 times out of 10, we ruin the morning for ourselves.

(the other 2 times coming from an external person or situation)

I hear things like:

  • "Yea I hit snooze, so the morning just went downhill from there."

  • "I could only do a 30 min workout instead of 45, so I didn't really do my full routine."

  • Or the BIG one: "I didn't do my routine perfectly."

There is no perfect morning routine.

It's about adjusting, adapting, and doing 1 small thing to fuel you that day.

Don't let your perfectionism stop you from enjoying your morning (or doing your routine at all).


Turn Your Vacation Morning Into Your Everyday Morning

The morning routine you wish to do on vacation is the morning routine you can do every day.

(maybe minus the beach if that's included)

I thought about this as I'm headed on 10 day family trip.

What is my ideal morning on vacation?

For me, it's getting up to

  • Journal

  • Have coffee while looking at a view

  • Maybe do some writing or a walk

4+ years ago, I asked myself why I was waiting till vacation to do these things.

Why couldn't this be my everyday morning routine? Or at least parts of it be?


1600+ mornings later, my ideal vacation morning routine is my everyday routine.

Yea maybe my view isn't the beach, mountains, or Eiffel Tower, but it's looking out the window to the trees with a pup right beside me.

And it's a pretty great way to start the day if I do say so myself!

I challenge you to consider:

"how can I start living my ideal vacation morning right now?"

You may be surprised how creative you can get.


Are Morning Routines A Privilege?

There's 1 subject about morning routines I've steered away from talking about, but is an important conversation.

Are morning routines a privilege?

I'm talking the morning routine where you wakeup at 5am or after to journal, workout, or have a moment to yourself before you start work.

Is there privilege in…

  • Choosing what time you wakeup?

  • Choosing what you want to do in the morning?

  • A schedule, responsibilities, and a body that allows you to get enough sleep?

  • Working typical 9-5 or flexible hours?

  • Having financial or people support to watch over those you care for while you take time for yourself

My or your situation may make morning routines more accessible than someone else's situation.

This is important to recognize, find gratitude, and not take for granted.

It also makes me wonder how we can make morning routines more accessible for those who want a moment to themselves?

Does it come from…

  • Companies having a flexible start time for work?

  • Educating people on the morning routine options?

  • Providing support to parents and caregivers so they can have a moment to themselves?

  • Reminding people that they're worth getting out of bed for

For you -

Maybe this conversation gives you gratitude for your situation, a kick in the butt to not take it for granted, and grace for others' situation.

For me -

Amongst the many articles on morning routine tips and benefits, the conversation around accessibility is something I would like to explore more.


3 Decisions Successful Leaders Make About Their Morning Routine

Sometimes we forget there is a human behind successful leaders.

Behind the fancy accolades and job titles is someone…

  • waking up

  • turning off the alarm

  • making the decision of what the first moments of the day are going to look like

I recently came across this Balancing The Grind article about morning routines of successful leaders.

(people like Sara Blakely, Whitney Wolfe Herd, Gary Vaynerchuk)

Here are the 3 decisions they make about their morning routine:


1) Being aware

When asked what their morning routine entails, no one is saying "not sure."

They're aware of what they do in the morning and are pretty specific about it.

Makes you think this awareness translates into their success in the business world.

2) Being intentional

They have a reason for why they do the things they do.

Whether it's working out or "putting around," there is a reason they do it, and it’s usually because there isn't another time in the day they're going to get to do it.

3) Taking control

These leaders are starting their morning on their terms. 

They aren't saying "I have to do XYZ."

Instead, they say "I like to do XYZ."

It's the mindset of taking control of not only your morning, but your life.


When looking at people we admire, before we adopt the tactics they use, I like to consider if I value the same things as them.

More specifically how our time is spent.

With family, friends, working, exercising, etc.

What we do comes from what we value, and if we don't value the same things, we don't need to do the same things.


3 Ways To Embrace Your PTO

Vacation & PTO season is upon us (woo!)

How do we actually take time off from work, be present, & feel good about going on vacation?

1) Turn off email & chat notifications on your phone

If you can, turn off your work email and notifications on your phone.

That way YOU get to decide if you want to look a work emails/chats, instead of someone else deciding for you.

I also know some people who use vacation as a social media detox, or limit social media to only when they're in their hotel room so they can be fully present for the experiences.

2) Continue your morning routine

Vacation usually involves different workout, eating, drinking, socializing, and sleep habits, leaving us feeling a little off.

If there was any time to do a morning routine, it really is on vacation!

Plan an "anchor activity" like meditation or journaling in the morning so you have 1-5 minutes to yourself.

This will recharge your social battery and keep you feeling like yourself.

3) Take an extra day off when coming back from vacation

I have not done this before, but want to try it if I have enough PTO!

I know some people who take an extra day off to catch up on work email, get personal things done (like groceries), & get organized after coming back from vacation.

May allow you enjoy the entirety of the vacation and calm those extreme Sunday Scaries when coming back.


Want to setup your morning routine before going on vacation? Or work on it when you get back?

Let’s book a time on the calendar to chat about it! I have a few free spots left this month :)


3 Ways A Morning Routine Impacts Your Career

Let's throw out all the traditional reasons to have a morning routine for just a second.

If you're a 9-5 worker, here are 3 reasons why a morning routine actually matters:

1) When you get the Sunday scaries about work on Monday…

You have your morning routine of journaling or working out planned so you can wakeup for YOU instead of work

2) When you have a rushed morning…

You have an Anchor Activity, something you do each morning to pause & checkin, to slow down and decide who you're and who you're going to be.

(A quick & easy Anchor is 5 deep breaths in the car before stepping into work)

3) The person you show up as at work determines if…

  • People are going to trust you in a business aspect (more likely to trust a calm & collected person vs. a rushed & scattered person)

  • Want to be around you in a people aspect (the calm person is more approachable than the frantic person)

So how do you build these into your morning routine?

1) When picking what to do in the morning, ask yourself,

  • what is something easy you could do for 1-5 minutes to ground yourself (this is your ANCHOR)

  • what do you crave

  • what would you do in the morning if you were on vacation (yes you can do that now, minus the beach)

  • what's something you want to do that you're too tired after work to do


2) To get rid of the rush

  • Once you have something planned that is worth waking up for, you're more likely to get out of bed

  • Attach your Anchor to something you already do, like brushing your teeth

  • Time block your morning so you have checkin points of when you need to move onto getting dressed or making breakfast


3) Use your morning routine to push your career forward

  • Journal or walk to get clarity & manifest where you want your career to go

  • Do something besides work to take the stress & pressure off of working determining your worth & happiness (I call this "diversifying your happiness")


3 Essential Routine Shifts To Make If You Want To Pursue New Interests & Be More Than Your Work

If you're an ambitious 20-something, you may have reached the point where you want to do more than work, scroll social, and drink with friends.

How do you pursue other interests and expand your identity? 

(Especially when we're stuck in our ways and too tired from work to do anything else)

3 Essential Routine Shifts To Make If You Want To Pursue New Interests & Be More Than Your Work

1) Do something for yourself BEFORE work

There's something about waking up for yourself vs. for work.

Establish some kind of morning routine, like walking or reading, so you choose you before work.

2) Journal about things you're curious about

If you haven't journaled before because you don't know what to say, answer the question, "what am I curious about?"

Start listing those things out.

If you find yourself thinking about 1 more than others, that may be the thing to research more or start pursuing.

Pro tip: do this at the time of day you feel the most creative or expressive (ex: morning vs. night).

3) Change your default activity AFTER work

 If your default or go-to after work is sitting on the couch, maybe change your default to a walk or workout class.

 Decide the night before what you're going to do so you remove decision-making after work, making you more likely to do it.

 Also makes you consider what your other "defaults" are in life. It can be a good reflection point if you’re proud of the life you're living.


3 Ways To Make Time For Reflection Before Work

In 2018, I thought my 30 minute commute to work every day was going to be the biggest waste of time. 

Looking back, those were some of the most valuable moments of my early 20s.

The biggest thing I discovered:

Time for reflection isn't important, it's ESSENTIAL

It's the a moment to say to myself "here's who I am and who I want to be" so the world doesn't end up deciding for me.

3 ways making time for reflection ended up impacting my life:

1) I decided I was going to start blogging vs. be the person who falls into scrolling social every day after work.

2) My go-to at a social event was going to be a mocktail vs. everyone else ordering cocktails so I could manage my anxiety better

3) I was going to have business AND a full time job vs. the following the entrepreneurship measure of success of "getting out of your job as fast as possible.”

I'd like to say I intentionally found the time to reflect, but I kind of fell into it with these long drives.

If you haven't found reflection time, 3 ideas for you:

-The drive to work

-Journaling before work

-Taking a walk before you sit down to work from home

Those 30 minutes could be the difference between you vs. the world deciding who you're and who you're going to be.

If you want help in making time for reflection, let’s chat about it!

I open up a few 15-min spots on my schedule each week to chat with people about their routines!

Feel free to grab completely free :)


3 Essential Routine Shifts To Make When Getting A Dog (or Experiencing Any Life Change)

My co-workers have been lovingly laughing at me.

 I got my puppy Maisy almost 6 weeks ago and she has turned my life upside down.

As someone who likes routine, it's been disrupted by:

  • waking up 2x a night to let her out

  • morning starts with her first, then me

  • interrupting what I'm doing to get whatever it is out of her mouth or let her outside

My co-workers with kids and dogs lovingly smile as I tell them this when I walk into the office, as I am starting to empathize with what they go through.

To look at the bright side, I'm learning some new, important routine tactics.

3 essential routine shifts to make when getting a dog (or experiencing any life change):

1) Be thankful for the good habits you've already established

The good habits I already have in place ground me and make me feel like I'm in at least a little bit of control while this big change is going on (even if I don't get to do all of them).

The good habits I have already have remind me of who I am before being becoming a dog mom.

AKA start good habits now!

2) Do not force it, sync to what is craved

But not all the habits are going to be EXACTLY the same as before, and don't force them to be.

In the morning, I tried taking care of myself and then her.


Maisy has her highest energy in the morning.

My morning was so much easier when I tended to her and then went on with my morning.

Just like we need to sync our routine to how our brain/body operate, who knew we also needed to sync to our dogs.

3) Add time buffers

Let me repeat that, ADD TIME BUFFERS

Everything is going to take longer, especially starting out:

  • mornings

  • getting out the door

  • basically any task as it can be interrupted with a puppy needing to go out or chewing on something they aren't supposed to

Give yourself extra time to do everything so you aren't showing up frantically late all the time.

Because showing up as the calm & present person may also require giving yourself a little extra time & grace.

Also - thank goodness she's cute!

If you happen to be going through a life change too, let’s chat about it!

I open up a few 15-min spots on my schedule each week to chat with people about their routines!

Feel free to grab completely free :)


12 Step Checklist To A Calm & Productive Schedule

I made a 12 step checklist to a calm & productive schedule that I keep coming back to.

For the past 4+ years, I’ve studied morning routines & time management diligently and the amount of information can be overwhelming.

So the Time Management Checklist was born:

  1. Identify the person you want to be

    Who do you want to be? How do you want to show up. Present, calm, someone with boundaries, responsive, etc.

  2. Do the Life Pie exercise

    Split your life into 3-5 pieces (ex: health, family, work). Get really clear on what these are. This not only determines where your time is spent, but where your happiness is coming from.

  3. Time block

    Take your pie pieces and time block where they’re happening in your week. Example: family time happens after work, workout time is in the morning. If it doesn’t have a time block, it’s probably not happening.

  4. Aligned with what you crave

    Is your schedule aligned with how your body/brain operates? If you brain works best in the morning, maybe that is the time to work on that dream business. If your body has the most energy in the morning, maybe that’s the time to workout. This limits the amount you’re FORCING yourself to do something.

  5. Beginner mode

    Is your schedule set to beginner mode? Do you have habits or things on the schedule that feel manageable and sustainable, and won’t lead to burnout? For example: if you normally wake up at 7am, but tell yourself you’re going to start waking up at 5am to workout, you’re going BEAST MODE instead of BEGINNER mode. First try waking up 15 minutes earlier and then work your way up so that 5am becomes a lifestyle change, instead of a short term goal.

  6. Wind down time & activities

    It takes longer than we think to get our brains to shut down for bed. Instead of having a bedtime, have a wind down time 1-2 hours before bed to get your brain to slow down. That could include not working, leisurely reading, or journaling. Anything that prepares you to be ready to sleep when bedtime comes around.

  7. Sleep buffer

    The goal isn’t to rush in the morning, so why rush out of bed? Here’s your permission to give yourself a sleep buffer or 15 minutes to leisurely wake up. This is also a good benchmark if you’re someone who continually hits snooze.

  8. Rest days

    This is scheduling unscheduled time. This is time to reset, relax, or maybe get caught up on something that didn’t get finished this week. Creating more flexibility and rejuvenation in your schedule.

  9. Special spots

    This is designating a special spot for each thing you do. Where do you work? Where do you sleep? Say your Special Spot for work is your desk. That means your desk is where you go to focus on work, and maybe not scroll social. Likewise, that means work doesn’t occur in bed. The purpose of this is designating a place you can be fully present for what you’re doing, and your brain can easily switch into the mindset it needs to be in.

  10. Phone settings aligned

    Are your phone settings aligned with the person you want to be? Are they aligned with your Special Spots? For example, if you want to be present, maybe you limit the notifications popping up on your home screen. Or maybe work emails only get checked at your desk, and not when you’re at the gym.

  11. Routine options

    Give yourself options for routine so you’re more likely to do it. For example: you could have a go-to-the-office morning routine that is a little shorter, and a work-from-home morning routine that is a little longer. It doesn’t need to look exactly the same every day and you can give yourself options.

  12. Anchor activity

    Have an Anchor Activity for yourself, or something you do for 2-5 minutes each morning no matter. This could be journaling or taking 5 deep breaths. The purpose is to show up and check-in with yourself. It doesn’t always have to be all or nothing when it comes to your morning routine.

Reminder - you don’t need to integrate all of these at once.

Pick 1 that resonates the most right now and start integrating into your schedule.

I have the full 1-pager checklist if you want to download & save for later!

Need guidance on which 1 to get started with?

I open a few 15-min spots on my schedule each week to chat with people about their morning routine & schedule (for free)! Feel free to grab one before they’re gone :)


3 Ways I’m Finding Calm In A Hard Work Week

To my friends who are in the thick of a hard work week and looking for some relief…

Right there with ya!

This is when I tap into my learnings from the past 4+ years studying how to create a calm morning and schedule!

So here are 3 ways I’m finding CALM in a hard work week:

1) Strategically protecting my energy

2) Remembering I’m more than my career

3) Having an Anchor & prioritizing it

Here are the details:

1) Strategically protecting my energy

Most of my time and energy is being spent on work, so really not trying to drain myself even more.

A few ways I think about doing this:

  • Limiting the number of things going on after work

  • Less multi-tasking, focusing on doing 1 thing at a time

  • When being a sounding board for co-workers, know your limits & when negativity is affecting your energy

Don’t worry - this doesn’t mean you can’t do it all or are weak; you are just trying to show up your best during a hard time :)

2) Remembering I’m more than my career

Sometimes work needs to be THE thing right now, and that’s ok!

But I like to remind myself I’m more than my work, and my happiness & worth comes from multiple places:

  • Family, friends, dogs

  • Cozy home

  • Exercising

  • Hobbies/interests

PRO TIP: highly recommend doing the Life Pie exercise of identifying the 3-5 sections that make of your life, and seeing the many parts that make up you :)

3) Having an Anchor & prioritizing it

An Anchor Activity is something you do for 2-5 minutes in the morning before work no matter what.

Some favorite Anchor Activities my clients and I use:

  • Journaling

  • 5 deep breaths

  • Stretching

  • Writing down 3 things you’re thankful for

  • Setting the 3 priorities for the day

In the busyness of it all, it’s a chance to say to myself…

“I am here and this is who I am”

…before the rest of the world gets to influence you.

And by prioritizing this day after day, you slowly become the calm, strong person that is ready to take on the day!

If you feel like you need some relief now and want some help getting healthy habits to stick in your schedule, here to chat about it!

I can direct you on where to start in a quick 15 min phone call! Let me know if you want a spot on the schedule this week :)

Who or What Are You Waking Up For?

I’ve always coached people on “waking up for yourself.”

But I’m going to put an asterisk* on that now.

My 11 week old pup Maisy has made her entrance into my life & I am absolutely not waking up for myself anymore!

I am waking up to take care of her (and admittedly so she doesn’t have an accident in my house)!

There’s a selflessness that’s come over me since I’ve gotten her.

It challenges what I always thought about waking up for myself and gives me MORE purpose to get out of bed!

I take care of her and then we snuggle up & do my morning routine!

So I challenge you to…


Many of us wake up for work.

If you’re happy with that reason, great!

If not, you can change it!

Wake up for:
-Your partner
-Your pet
-Your kids
-Your dream side project

Whatever or whomever gives you the drive to get out of bed!

And if it is someone else, still pouring into yourself in some small way in the morning is a beneficial way to start the day.

Make YOU the priority early on in the day so you don’t get lost in the list of everything else!


5 Ways To Setup Your Calm & Productive Work From Home Life

1 blessing many of us have is the flexibility to work from home.

But if we don’t think about HOW we are using the flexibility, it can actually lead to more stress and less focus throughout the workday.

Here are 5 ways to setup your calm and productive work from home life:

1) Build a Command Center
2) Make your Command Center a “no social zone.”
3) Create a transition between meetings
4) Put the laptop to bed
5) Have a morning routine before the workday starts


Here are the details:

1) Build a Command Center

Pick 1 special spot in your home where work happens.

I call this your “Command Center.”

This is where you go to focus, become a powerful decision maker, and fully be present in work.

Mine is my desk in my office!

Yes, the couch or bed can be nice sometimes, but these are usually our sacred resting spots, so consider keeping them that way.

2) Make your Command Center a “no social zone.”

Decide what happens and doesn’t happen in your Command Center.

For me, 1 of my biggest distractions is my phone!

Therefore, I try to make my Command Center a “no social zone” where I don’t check social or respond to texts.

Instead, I get up to do these things, making for the perfect break between meetings.

BONUS: I also use this mindset for my desk when I go into the office!

3) Create a transition between meetings

When we have back to back meetings, it can be tough to be present for each and easy to get burnt out.

Try to create a transition between meetings.

That could be:
-Taking 3 deep breaths to ground yourself for the next meeting
-Getting up from your Command Center to take a break
-Getting a drink of water or petting the dog

This can create calm throughout the day and allow you to be a more sound decision maker as you go into the next meeting.

4) Put the laptop to bed

If you want to mark the end of the workday, consider putting your laptop “to bed” or away in a drawer or backpack.

This creates a:
-Stopping point for the workday
-Starting point to be present for the rest of life

Consider how easy or hard you want to make it to “jump back on & answer 1 more email.”

If you want to create calm & boundaries, putting the laptop to bed can be a helpful tool.

Also a good marking for the start of the workday the next morning!

5) Have a morning routine before the workday starts

If we want to live that calm life, it starts in the morning!

Start the day taking care of you so you can be your best self when you show up to your work/Command Center.

After all, who decides how you live your life, you or your work?

⭐ Reminder: you’re worth getting out of bed for!

If you want to create your ideal morning routine that transitions nicely into your workday, let’s chat!

Feel free to schedule a free 15-min call to chat morning routine or time management coaching.

If You Don’t Want A Rushed Morning, Get Rid of The Dread & Guilt First

When I ask someone how their morning feels, the answer I usually get is “rushed.”

But I know this isn’t their FIRST feeling in the morning.

--The first feeling is DREAD that the alarm is going off.

--Followed by GUILT that they’re hitting snooze.

--And RUSHED is the byproduct of it all!

How do we tackle the dread and guilt, so the rushed morning doesn’t happen?

1) Establish a sleep buffer

A sleep buffer is the guilt-free 15 minutes you give yourself to slowly wake up.

That way when the alarm goes off, you’re not totally dreading getting out of bed and feeling guilty for hitting snooze.

You didn’t want to rush, so here’s your permission to not rush out of bed.

You start the day with GRACE instead of GUILT.

2) Plan something worth getting out of bed for

For most people, this is usually doing something for yourself before the workday starts.

Journal, meditate, walk, tidy up the house.

It is making a plan that contributes to the person you want to become.

Calm, grounded, healthy, organized.

You can then start the day with DESIRE instead of DREAD.

⭐ Little reminder: YOU’RE worth getting out of bed for!

If you want to talk through getting rid of the dread, guilt, and rushing in your morning, I offer 1 free 15-min morning routine audit to my email friends!

I have a few spots left this week so let me know if you want one!

I Want My Grammy’s Morning Routine

If you know me, I’ve always wanted to be like my Grammy when I grow up.

She’s the life of the party and has so much spunk in her!

We recently took her to Austin, and on the plane, her and I got to talking about her morning routine.

She said how much she just loves it, so of course I asked more.

Here’s hers:

  • Coffee while sitting on the comfy couch

  • Cute golden doodle dog at her feet

  • Play Wordle & some other games to stay sharp

  • News on in the background

It’s not just what she does that stood out to me, but how much she just LOVES her mornings.

How many of us can say that?

Don’t we deserve to LOVE our mornings?

My Morning Routine Coach brain kicked in and looked at what makes Grammy’s morning routine so enjoyable:

1) Purpose to get out of bed

Having something to do or somewhere to be can feel nice.

When we don’t, those are the days we stay in bed all day and feel like a blob.

Yes some days it’s nice to have nowhere to be, but having purpose to get out of bed is something that can keep us going.

But it has to be a purpose catered to you.

2) Starting your day on your terms

You picking how the day starts can be incredibly empowering!

Choosing when you wake up, what you do, and the speed in which you do it at.

I like to ask people,

“who decides what time you wake up?”

Right now, a lot of us may say work.

When we decide to wake up 15 minutes earlier to do something for ourselves, we’ve just switched from living on work’s terms to living on YOUR terms.

Trust me, Grammy is living on Grammy’s terms.


Tomorrow is her 83rd birthday and I hope to still be loving my mornings when I’m her age!

So happy birthday Grammy, you inspire us all!

If you want a morning like Grammy’s sooner rather than later, let’s chat about coaching and make it happen!

3 Ways To Become The Person Who Shows Up Calmly To The Meeting

If you think about the past few meetings you’ve had, what type of person were you?

Person 1:

Rushed to the meeting, showing up late because the last one ran over, still thinking about the last meeting, trying to remember what this meeting is about, you see your phone blowing up with notifications that haven’t been answered

Person 2:

Showed up relatively on time, ready to go over the agenda, feeling present, will check phone when meeting is over so you aren’t distracted, feeling good because you aren’t frazzled and ready to make decisions with a clear mind

A lot of us are person 1, but want to become person 2.

How do we go from rushed & frazzled to calm & collected (even when there is a lot going on)?

3 things to think about:

1) Create a transition

Let’s admit…

The efficient person in us likes to schedule meetings back to back.

And while it may look like the back to back meetings fit nicely on our little calendars, it can make us feel rushed and frazzled.

I challenge you to create a transition between the meetings.

  • If possible, put a buffer time between meetings

  • If that doesn’t seem possible, before you walk into a meeting, take a breath or go to the bathroom

Create some type of transition that allows you to collect yourself.

This can be the difference between you showing up frazzled vs. calm, collected, and viewed as sound decision maker.

2) Silence notifications

When we have back to back meetings, it can be hard enough to be present, let alone what our phone is doing.

I challenge you to ask yourself…

“How can I be as present as possible?”

That likely includes silencing your notifications or not looking at your phone during meetings 

The pings and dings distract us from what is happening right in front of us.

Who knows, you could miss putting your input into a decision because you weren’t completely present for.

Show up in a way you can be proud of!

3) Morning grounding

If we start the day running around frantic, we are kind of setting the tone for the rest of the day.

BUT if we start the day feeling grounded, clear-minded, and confident, that could spill into the rest of the day.

Create some type of morning grounding.

Some ideas could be

  • Journaling

  • Walking

  • Meditation or a few deep breaths

Time to collect your thoughts, decide how you want to show up that day, and have a moment of peace.

We all know we may not get it the rest of the day.

If you’re feeling like you’re just rushing around all day everyday, you don’t have to live that way!

Let’s chat about morning routine or time management coaching and make the calm, collected version of you come to life!

The Moment I Knew Things Needed To Change

January 20, 2020

I had just returned from a long weekend trip to Boston and I felt completely out of control.

  • I didn’t like who I was.

  • I didn’t like how I was feeling.

  • I felt like a blob.

I think we are supposed to feel refreshed after a trip right?!

While the trip was fun, I’d…

  • Been around people 24/7

  • Woke up & immediately rushed around the whole day

  • Didn’t have a moment to breathe

I almost thought am I so high maintenance and stuck in my routines that I can’t handle 3 days of this?!

Before the trip, I was getting up and journaling most mornings to just say to myself…

“Hi you’re here, this is who you’re, this is what you feel, and this is what you want”

It was like this secret, 5-min weapon each morning getting me through the day and making me feel like I was in control my life.

I had been doing it for so long that I reached the point of what it felt like to not do it.

While I could survive not journaling, I was stronger with it.

So on January 20, 2020, I journaled and have every day since.

(Good timing as you know what those next few months looked like)

Journaling had become my:

  • Landing pad for hard times

  • Springboard for bigger things

  • Home away from home wherever I was

So as I arrive on 4 years of consecutive journaling, I share this with you to challenge you to…

  1. Find a small way to check-in with yourself each day

  2. Make it your secret weapon that makes you stronger

Maybe you’ve already had THAT moment like I did that kicked your morning routine or checking-in into gear.

BUT if you haven’t and you don’t want to wait for that “kick in the butt” moment, let’s chat about getting your morning routine going!